Growing Up Little

A woman exploring the world of BDSM and sharing what she discovers…

Fat Art – Chris Campbell

Fat Art


Floating Flower by Chris Campbell

Floating Flower by Chris Campbell




Fat Pride

Fat Pride


Fuck Diets

Image From:  The Nearsighted Owl


Beauty In All Sizes

Beauty In All Sizes

Big and Beautiful

Through another fantastic blogger livingintherabbithole, I stumbled upon Yossi Loloi, an interesting artist, check out Yossi’s work:

I encourage everyone to take a peek at his work and to keep an open mind about what true beauty really is.

Big x2

Artist Statement

In my work I portray what larger women represent to me. I focus on their fullness and femininity, as a form of protest against discrimination set by media and by today’s society. What larger women embody to me is simply a different form of beauty. I believe we own ‘freedom of taste’ and one shouldn’t be reluctant of expressing his inclination towards it. Limiting this freedom is living in a dictatorship of esthetics. I believe there are several ways to what is perceived as beauty, it is not measurable and has not got a standard size. I photograph my models nude and serene, to create a comfortable, proud and constructive representation of themselves in front of the viewer.