Growing Up Little

A woman exploring the world of BDSM and sharing what she discovers…

Surface Winner!

on May 26, 2013

I am pleased to announce the winner of…


Congratulations astraltravler!

You have won a copy of SURFACE by Tiffany Daune!

How did astraltravler WIN this giveaway?

By being a follower and commenting on the giveaway post!  It was that simple!

Want to be the next lucky follower to WIN?

Check out this giveaway for INSPIRE by Heather Buchine!


2 responses to “Surface Winner!

  1. Dear Growing Up Little,
    Thank You So very Much. I’m Honored to receive a copy of Surface by Tiffany Duane.

  2. You are very welcome!
    Thank you for following Growing Up Little and commenting!
    You will receive your prize the week of June 17th! I hope you enjoy reading it!

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