Growing Up Little

A woman exploring the world of BDSM and sharing what she discovers…

Shine On Award

on June 30, 2013

I Am So Happy To Accept The…

Shine On Award

Shine On Award From Astraltravler

Accepting this Award, I must complete the following questions and then pass this Award on to bloggers whom I admire.

1.  Rank these kinds of weather from best to worst: Sunny and hot, misty and cold, rainy and cool, snow, ice, windy

Sunny and hot, rainy and cool, misty and cold, windy, snow, ice.

2.  Do you like outdoor music festivals?

I wouldn’t really consider myself to be ‘into’ them.  I haven’t been to very many but I wouldn’t say that I dislike them!

3.  Do you like drinking water?

Yes – I do now.  I use to drink Diet Pepsi all the time and I use to very rarely drink water.  I suffer from migraines and I was encouraged to try limiting my Diet Pepsi intake and drink water instead.  I did… and I feel a lot better.  Now… I really like drinking water.  I will still drink the occasional Diet Pepsi or Diet Coke but usually only when I’m out somewhere.  At home, I’m happy with ice water.

4.  Favourite alcoholic drink

I very rarely drink any alcohol (again because of the migraine issue).  Once in awhile I will drink a frozen strawberry daiquiri or have the occasional Canadian (beer).  I use to LOVE Blue Lagoons, that was my drink of choice when I was younger.

5.  Best drug experience

I honestly would have a hard time picking just one.  I’d have a hard time even choosing between illegal drugs and prescription drug experiences.

6.  Most fun while not taking anything

Spending time with my Daddy, feeling Little with him.

7.  Greatest sorrow

The miscarriage I had and some issues surrounding my daughter (that I won’t get into right now).


Please answer the same questions I did above and then pass this Award on (to a maximum of 15 bloggers)…

In No Particular Order… I Nominate…

  1. The Submission Of Elle
  2. The Bedroom Submissive
  3. Surrendered Heart
  4. MariMar
  5. Lindaghill
  6. Hotlilmess
  7. A Sexual Being
  8. I, Elle Tueff
  9. Beaten Into Submission
  10. Girl, Uninterrupted

Thank you to the above bloggers – each of you inspire me… more than you know.


7 responses to “Shine On Award

  1. Congratulations on the award!

  2. MaríMar says:

    Congratulations and thank you so much for nominating me!

  3. hotlilmess says:

    Beautifully done. Thank you for the compliment. i will be completing my share this evening.

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